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> All of IST's products are built to the
highest quality standards and are backed by our Incredible Warranty, which
covers our products for as long as you own you vehicle. DON'T BE FOOLED by competitors who sell cheap imitations,
inferior products, and only offer a limited warranty.
Air Adjuster!!
- Our #1 Seller!! - Helps SAVE GAS!!
very first product and still our best seller!! IST was the first
to recognize the air-fuel ratio adjustment problem, and the first to offer a
solution way back in 1994!! The
first DIGITAL ELECTRONIC solution that allows you to adjust your
air-fuel ratio rich or lean, to accurately match the Mass-Air Flow Sensor
calibration to your engine. The Air
Adjuster!! gives you the adjustability over the air/fuel ratio that you
don't currently have on late-model, computer-controlled engines.
Eliminates rich/lean conditions,
hunting/surging idle and drivability problems resulting from a mis-matched
Mass-Air Flow Sensor signal. Large adjustment
range allows easy dial-in of engine after modifications or change of injector size.
Microprocessor controlled, correctly
Mass-Air Flow Sensor response curve over entire range. Direct/Adjust toggle
switch on the front of the unit allows you to quickly switch the input to the
computer between the unmodified Mass-Air Flow Sensor signal and The Air
Adjuster!! modified signal. Lean/Rich 18 turn adjustment screw allows
precise air/fuel adjustability. Digital Signal Display is a bright green,
7-segment LED digital display which always shows you the Mass-Air Flow Sensor
signal (in Volts). No more fumbling with multimeters and piercing wires to get a
reading. The Air
Adjuster!! is a precision, computer-controlled device built with military
temperature-grade components, it is NOT simply an adjustable resistor. Here are
some common problems the Air Adjuster!! will help you solve:
- Hunting/Surging Idle: This may be
caused by a rich or lean condition. The computer has "tables" in its memory
which allows it to adjust the air/fuel ratio according to all of the various
engine sensor inputs. Whenever the computer runs into either end of the tables,
it keeps attempting to compensate, but it can't. This causes the hunting/surging
condition. The reason for this is that the Mass-Air signal is no longer correct
for the modifications which have been done to the engine. The solution is the
The Air Adjuster!! While it won't smooth out a lumpy cam idle, it will
allow your engine to run as smooth as possible.
- Stopping at a light and the idle "hangs"
at 1200 - 2000 RPM: This is caused by a rich, gas-wasting condition. Usually it is
accompanied by a rich smell from the exhaust. The idle may stay high or slowly
drop back to normal, depending on how rich it is. The Air Adjuster!! will
allow you restore the air/fuel ratio to normal, allowing the engine to return to
idle normally.
- Black Tailpipe:
This is caused by a rich, gas-wasting condition, same as condition above.
Note: Virtually all speed-density banked-port Ford Trucks have a
extremely black tailpipe due to the extremely inefficient banked (left bank -
right bank) port firing order. An excellent reason to convert your Ford Truck to
mass-air and get the Air Adjuster!! as well (see truck mass-air
kits below).
- Rich (or "rotten egg" ) Exhaust Smell:
This is caused by a rich, gas-wasting condition, same as conditions above.
- Stopping at a light and the engine dies:
This is caused by a lean condition. Sometimes it is accompanied by a high engine
temperature reading. The engine idle speed may drop and run very rough around
400 - 600 RPM, or it may cause the engine to die immediately, depending on how
lean it is. The Air Adjuster!! will allow you restore the air/fuel ratio
to normal, allowing the engine to return to idle normally.
- Surging while under light to moderate
cruise: This is caused by a lean condition, same as condition above.
- Changing Injector Sizes:
This can cause either a rich or lean condition. Going to a larger injector size
will cause a rich condition, going to a smaller size will cause a lean
condition. The Air Adjuster!! has enough adjustment to go up or down 2
injector sizes without having to re-calibrate or replace the mass-air sensor.
For example, assume you have a mass-air sensor calibrated for 30 Lb injectors.
With the Air Adjuster!!, you would be able to move up to 36 or 42
lb injectors, or down to 24 or 19 lb injectors simply by re-adjusting the Air
Adjuster!! There is an approximate 0.12 - 0.15 difference in voltage for each injector
- If you own a aftermarket Mass-Air unit:
From our experience, many of the aftermarket meters need some adjusting for your
specific engine combination to get
optimum performance. And since sending a meter back for re-calibration or change
of injector size can be expensive, the Air Adjuster!! is the perfect solution!!
Remember, you can go up or down 2 injector sizes from whatever your aftermarket meter
is calibrated for now.
- If you have a Ford Racing B303 or E303
From our experience, virtually every engine with a Ford Racing B303 or
E303 Cam runs way too rich due to the improved breathing/airflow through
the engine. The Air Adjuster!! is the perfect solution!!
You'll be able to dial your engine right in.
- If you have a long-tube headers:
From our experience, almost all engines with long-tube headers run way
too lean due to the improved airflow/exhaust through the engine. The Air Adjuster!! is the perfect solution!!
Compensate for that too lean condition easily!!
The Air Adjuster!! is as
simple to use as a screw adjustment on a carburetor!! Does not require any
expensive diagnostic equipment to use!! Available for all 1986-current
Ford-style Mass-Air Flow Sensors and warranted for as long as you own your
vehicle!! Plus you'll find competent,
friendly, and FREE technical support is provided for all of our products. We'll
work with you to try and solve any problem you may encounter!!
Part Number AA-9999-F,
for OBD-I connectors (4 terminal oval, most 89-95)……....................$179.95
Part Number AA-9996-F,
for OBD-II Gen 1 connectors (4 or 6 terminal rectangular, most 96 - up)..$189.95
>>> Custom wire lengths and special wiring options also available - call
for details.
Air Adjuster Dually!!
- For DUAL Intake Systems!!
- Now truly awesome DUAL
MASS-AIR Systems are possible!! We combined our tremendously
successful Air Adjuster!! with an advanced Dual Mass-Air Integrator into
one unit. Now you can run two mass-air meters, each calibrated for the actual
injector size (not half), and let the Air Adjuster Dually!! do the rest.
The 2 input signals are correctly combined into one output for the computer, and
the Air/Fuel Ratio is fully adjustable rich or lean with the built-in
Air Adjuster!! And instead of just dividing by 2 and hoping for the best,
the fully programmable divide factor lets you set the signal
strength according to the type/size/brand of mass-air meter and engine size. This feature lets
you adjust for a wide range of applications, from simple low-rpm dual mass-air
302’s, all the way up to hi-revving, massive dual-turbo 500+ inch big blocks.
Finally, to prevent error codes and possible engine problems, the Dually’s
output is limited so that it will never exceed 5 volts, no matter what
each mass-air meter supplies into the unit. And like all of IST’s products, the
new Dually!! is built with military temperature-grade electronics, is
fully potted for vibration resistance, and is covered by
our Incredible Warranty, which protects it for as long as you own your vehicle.
So catch the next wave in awesome street engines, build a true DUAL
MASS-AIR Engine System with the new Air Adjuster Dually!!
Part Number AD-9999-F,
for EEC-IV connectors (4 terminal oval)…….....................................$369.95
Part Number AD-9996-F,
for EEC-V Gen 1 connectors (4 or 6 terminal rectangular)…....................$389.95
Digital TPS Monitor
- Easy TPS Adjustment!!
sensor adjustment is a critical settings on Ford engines. You DID adjust your
TPS to 0.98 volts with Key-ON-Engine-OFF, didn't you?? Well, our plug-in DIGITAL
Monitor makes adjusting your TPS a breeze!! No more piercing
wires!! Now includes both 3-pin round
and 3-blade oval TPS connectors. Fits nearly all Ford TPS sensors, from 1986-95,
except newer 3-pin oval 4.6L engines.
Part Number DT-9999-F,
for 86-95 3-pin round connector…….......................…............................$89.95
Mass-Air Harnesses
- We've Sold More Than Anyone!!
- IST has convert ed
more cars to Mass-Air than anyone!! Over 20,000 harnesses and computer kits sold
to date, with no end in sight!! If you want to convert
a Speed Density engine to a Mass-Air engine, IST’s LOW-COST
conversion harness is the answer. All harnesses designed for speed density
Mustang, Thunderbird, Cougar, Mark VII, Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, & Town
Car. Will not work on trucks, see truck conversion kits. Why convert to Mass-Air in the first place??
Simple, on a totally stock car engine, you will generally pick up 2 - 3 MPG, along with much crisper throttle response.
On modified engines, it's mandatory, since the stock Speed Density
computer has a very small "window" of adjustment built in to handle those
changes. Even if you have modified your stock engine and it still seems to run
OK, you still are not getting the maximum benefit from all those expensive
aftermarket parts you put on. Plus, you have the added benefit of cleaner
emissions, since most Speed Density systems tend to run on the rich side. This true OEM-style and
quality kit allows you to custom tailor
the harness to the exact length you need. Plus you'll find competent, friendly,
and FREE technical support is provided for all of our products. We'll work with
you to try and solve any problem you may encounter!!
Part Number CH-8611-F,
for OBD-I EEC-IV connectors (4 terminal oval)……....................................$39.95
Part Number CH-8612-F,
for OBD-II EEC-V connectors (4 or 6 terminal rectangular)…....…..........$49.95
Part Number OA-9666-F,
(6-wire add-on kit if you are using the internal ACT sensor )....................$4.95
- If your car did not have
cruise control from the factory, you will need this kit for a
conversion in
to the conversion harness or mass-air kit. The VSS sensor used for the factory
cruise control systems is also required for a mass-air system.
The system will run without it, however, you will not achieve maximum
performance from the conversion. Why spend all that money doing the conversion
and adding all of those performance parts, and not get the maximum power?? Get
the VSS kit and do it right!!
Part Number SS-8612-F,
VSS kit, REQUIRED if no factory cruise control on vehicle............$129.95
OBD-I to OBD II Adapter
- Use That OBD-II Mass-Air Unit!!
- Have a newer rectangular 4 or 6-pin OBD-II
style Mass-Air unit that you want to
on an older vehicle with the 4-pin oval OBD-I style connector?? No problem, just
use our plug-in adapter!! This harness solves compatibly problems so you can use
the newer-style, improved-design Mass-Air units on your OBD-I vehicle. The OBD-II
connector has 4 wires, order optional 6-wire kit if you are using the internal
ACT sensor on the Mass-Air unit. Note: 6-wire kit contains 2 wires to
make a 4-wire connector a 6-wire connector.
OBD-I : 1988 - 1995 (4-wire oval)
OBD-II Gen 1 : 1994 - 2004 (4 or 6-wire
OBD-II Gen 2: 2005 - current (6-wire mini
Part Number OA-9396-F,
OBD-I to OBD-II Gen 1 (approx 9" long).......................................................……............................$39.95
Part Number OA-9305-F,
OBD-I to OBD-II Gen 2 (approx 9" long).......................................................……............................$49.95
Part Number OA-9605-F,
OBD-II Gen 1 to OBD-II Gen 2 (approx 9" long).......................................................……............................$49.95
Part Number OA-9666-F,
(6-wire add-on kit if you are using the internal ACT sensor on an OBD_II Gen 1
connector )............$4.95
OBD II Connector
- New Repair Harness!!
- Have a newer rectangular 4 or 6-pin OBD-II
style Mass-Air connector that
replacement?? We now have OEM repair connectors with approx 8" of 16 gauge wire
already attached. Works on all 94-up OBD-II Mass-Air sensors, with either 4 or 6
wires. Other companies charge $20 - $25 for this repair connector, buy it here
and have enough money left over for lunch!!
Part Number OC-9696-F,
(8" long).........................................................................$19.95
>>> Longer lengths also available, call
Mass-Air Meters/Sensors
- We've Got NEW Ones!!
- Ford no longer sells new 55 mm 1989-93
Mustang 5.0L Mass-Air sensors, they
sell remanufactured units for over $170.00 each with a core unit
required!! Well, IST has searched the country and purchased a limited number of
BRAND NEW take-off Mass-Air Sensors!! They are available 2 ways: as a complete
unit (shown on right) for people doing mass-air conversions, or the sensor by
itself (shown on left), for people needing a factory replacement or for those
who need one for a C & L Mass-Air meter housing.........But remember, quantities
are limited, and when they're gone, they're gone!! We may not be able to get any
more at any price!! So if your sensor is bad and your gas mileage has
gone way down, buy one of these crazy-cheap sensors now!! We also offer larger C
& L mass-air meters, available with or without sensors.
Part Number MA-7655-B,
Bare 55mm (Stock Ford) Housing……................................................$29.95
Part Number MA-7655-F,
Complete Sensor and 55mm (Stock Ford) Housing……..............$129.95
Part Number MA-7673-B,
Bare 73mm
Part Number MA-7673-F,
Complete Sensor and 73mm Housing……......................................$249.95
Part Number MA-7676-B,
Bare 76mm
Part Number MA-7676-F,
Complete Sensor and 76mm Housing……......................................$269.95
Part Number MA-7676-T,
Complete Sensor, 76mm Housing, & Aluminum Intake Elbow..$289.95
Part Number MA-7680-B,
Bare 80mm
Part Number MA-7680-F,
Complete Sensor and 80mm Housing……......................................$289.95
Part Number MS-7655-F,
Sensor Only.........................................................…..................................$99.95
Extension Harnesses
- If you’ve r elocated
your Mass-Air unit and the factory harness no longer reaches, IST’s new
extension harness is for you!! This plug-in, OEM-style harness is available as a
kit allowing you to custom tailor the
harness to exactly the length you need, up to 7 feet long.
Part Number EH-8677-F,
for EEC-IV connectors (4 terminal oval)…….......................................$39.95
Part Number EH-8678-F,
for EEC-V connectors (4 or 6 terminal rectangular)……...................$49.95
O2 Harnesses
- Got those long tube header/O2 sensor blues??
As usual, IST solves the
problem for you!! This kit works
on all 87-2004 cars or trucks with black, gray, white, blue, green, or purple
factory connectors. This pair of plug-in, OEM-style
harnesses is available as a kit allowing you to custom tailor the harness to the
exact length you need, up to 4 feet long. For later Mustangs, it is available as a pair of 17" finished
harnesses with black connectors, for most 99-04 Mustang aftermarket exhaust applications.
Part Number OH-8676-F,
- For 99-04 Mustangs, pre-finished 17" long
with black connectors.
Part Number OH-8677-F,
99-04, 17" finished w/black
ACT Harness
- CoolPower!! ACT Temperature Sensor
Relocation Kit - Is the hot intake
manifold the right place to mount the EEC ACT Temperature Sensor?? Of course
not!! The heat of the aluminum intake manifold influences the sensor temperature
as the engine warms up, resulting in the sensor not reading the true incoming
air temperature. Our new kit relocates the sensor to the air box where it should be to read
the true air temperature, resulting in better drivability, better engine
temperature stability, and more POWER to your rear wheels.
Part Number AH-8711-F,
for 86-93 style ACT sensors……......................................…..................$39.95
EEC-IV Connectors
- IST has bought out the
inventory of a bankrupt harness manufacturer that made
harnesses for Ford. We now have THOUSANDS of the
much requested EEC-IV Computer Connectors IN STOCK!! These connectors are
available 2 ways – as a bare connector shell for people who need replacements
for existing harnesses, or as a complete assembly for those who want to make
their own harnesses. These connectors have been obsolete from Ford for some time
now, and we have received endless requests for these connectors, as the small
tangs that lock each terminal in the connector break off over time, causing the
terminal to back out of the connector, creating an open circuit. These
connectors fit virtually ALL EEC-IV computers, including Mustangs, F150, Bronco,
Thunderbird, Cougar, Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, Town Car, Taurus,
Sable, Ranger, etc. in the 1985-95 year range (year dependant for specific
models). Since we bought so many, we are offering UNHEARD OF LOW pricing. So
order them now, because when they are gone, they’re gone!!
Part Number CS-8793-F,
for EEC-IV, bare shell…….......................................................….............$29.95
Part Number CC-8793-F,
for EEC-IV, complete assy (shown)……...............................................$59.95
Part Number CP-8793-F,
for EEC-IV, terminals, pak of 10…….........................…...........................$9.95
EEC-IV Gaskets
- IST now has the
impossible to find silicone gaskets for the 60 pin EEC-IV
connectors!! You know how these gaskets are almost always damaged
or missing entirely. Replacing this gasket will help keep you computer connector
totally waterproof!! These OEM gaskets fit virtually ALL 60-pin EEC-IV computers, including Mustangs, F150, Bronco,
Thunderbird, Cougar, Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, Town Car, Taurus,
Sable, Ranger, etc. in the 1985-95 year range (year dependant for specific
Part Number CG-5179-F,
for 60-pin EEC-IV……............................................….............$14.95
EEC-IV Extension Harness
- Previously Impossible to Find!!
- Finally!! IST now
has male-female extension harnesses for the 60 pin EEC-IV
or 104 pin EEC-V
systems!! After years of customer requests, IST now manufactures these harnesses
so you don't have to cut your original harness if you need extra length!! These OEM
quality harnesses fit virtually ALL 60-pin EEC-IV or 104 pin EEC-V computers, including Mustangs, F150, Bronco,
Thunderbird, Cougar, Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, Town Car, Taurus,
Sable, Ranger, etc. in the 1985-95 year range (year dependant for specific
models). Also great for custom engine swaps and kit cars!! All 60 or 104 pins
are extended to insure complete compatibility.
Part Number EE-1212-F,
approx 12" for 60-pin EEC-IV……............................................….............$199.95
Part Number EE-1214-F,
approx 12" for 104-pin EEC-V……............................................….............$224.95
>>> Longer lengths also available, call
EEC-IV Harnesses
- Main Harness - Main computer
harness for 87-93 style Mustangs or custom
applications. Replace that
or damaged original harness with a brand new one!! We also have most connectors
on this harness available as individual replacements.
Part Number MH-9093-F,
for EEC-IV…….........................…..................................................Limited
Availability, call
- Injector Harness - Replacement
factory fuel injector harness for 87-93 style
Mustangs. Replace that melted or
damaged original harness with a brand new one!! We also have most
connectors on this harness available as individual replacements.
Part Number IH-9093-F,
for 87-93 Mustangs w/EV1 Injectors (shown).......................................................$299.95
Part Number IH-9096-F,
for 87-93 Mustangs w/EV6 Injectors .......................................................$299.95
- Factory O2 Harness - Replacement
factory O2 harness for 87-93 style
Mustangs. Replace that melted or damaged
original harness with a brand new one!! We also have most connectors on
this harness available as individual replacements.
Part Number OH-9393-A,
for automatic trans (shown).......................................................$89.95
Part Number OH-9393-S,
for standard trans..........................................................................$89.95
Intake Ducting -
Keep It Smooth!!
now offers both rubber and silicone connectors and elbows as well
as steel and aluminum
tubing for those
wanting to fabricate their own custom intake systems!! We currently are stocking
90 degree elbows as well as straight connectors (both straight and with
bellows). We also offer thin wall, high-strength steel and aluminum tubing, sold
by the foot. All are available in sizes from 2.5" through 4". Great for Turbo
Chargers, Superchargers, and custom vehicles!! No more searching for and
modifying stock OEM hoses, which don't look nearly as good anyway. Tubing may be
painted, power-coated, or chromed for that show winning finish. Size-matched
stainless steel hose clamps also available.
Elbows, starting
Steel Tubing,
per foot starting
Aluminum Tubing,
per foot starting
Car Mass-Air Kits
- Do it RIGHT the First Time With IST!!
- Complete Car Mass-Air Conversion Kits -
Every part you need to convert a
Speed Density engine to a Mass-Air
engine. Complete kits
include engine computer, mass-air meter, hoses, conversion harness, wiring
diagram and instructions. All kits designed for speed density Mustang,
Thunderbird, Cougar, Mark VII, Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, & Town Car. Non-EFI
kit 460 kit designed for universal applications. On a totally stock car engine,
you will generally pick up 2 - 3 MPG, along with much crisper throttle response.
On modified engines, it's mandatory, since the stock Speed Density
computer has a very small "window" of adjustment built in to handle those
changes. Basic kits all start with a 55
mm stock type mass-air meter calibrated for 19 lb injectors only. Larger 73, 76,
& 80 mm kits can be calibrated for almost any injector size. 460 kits come with
either 80 mm C & L meter or stock Ford 80 mm meter with good looking "Ford" logo airbox (your choice). All kits can be further customized as needed, including
injectors, wiring, etc. inquire when ordering. We strongly recommend the Air
Adjuster!! with these kits for total air/fuel control, especially for
heavily modified engines, all 351, and all stroker engines. We've sold more
conversion kits and harnesses than anyone, so come to the experts when your
ready to do your conversion. Plus you'll find competent, friendly, and FREE
technical support is provided for all of our products. We'll work with you to
try and solve any problem you may encounter!! Please note that the above picture
is GENERIC and may not represent what is actually contained in each kit.
NOTE 1: Replace "x" with: A = automatic
transmission (non-electronic)
S = standard transmission (manual)
NOTE 2: On 1988-up Mark VII, Crown Vic, Grand Marquis, and Town
Car you will lose the cruise control function due to the fact that the cruise is
internal to the original speed-density ECM. However, the instructions list the
vehicles from which you can obtain the stand-alone cruise control components
which were used on earlier vehicles. These components can then be easily wired
back in to your steering wheel switches to restore the cruise control.
NOTE 3: On all Mark VII's, doing a mass-air conversion will not
affect your digital dash, trip computer, or digital climate control. Only the
cruise control (described above) is affected on 1988-up vehicles.
Part Number CK-8611-x,
basic kit with 55mm 19 lb stock sensor……..........................$629.95
Part Number CK-8612-x,
basic kit with 73mm C & L Meter (shown)...............…..........$799.95
Part Number CK-8613-x,
basic kit with 76mm C & L Meter……......................................$829.95
Part Number CK-8614-x,
basic kit with 80mm C & L Meter……........................…..........$859.95
Part Number CK-8615-x,
460 kit with 80mm meter, includes Air Adjuster!!...............$1229.95
Part Number CK-8616-x,
for non-EFI vehicles, complete harness & computer kit ..$1429.95
Part Number SS-8612-F,
VSS kit, REQUIRED if no factory cruise on vehicle................$129.95
Part Number AA-9998-F,
buy any mass-air kit above and add the Air Adjuster for only...........$120.00
>>> Custom kits available for AODE/4R70W transmissions or
applications not listed above - call
Truck Mass-Air Kits
- NOBODY Offers More Truck Kits!!
>> IST helps you get the job DONE RIGHT!!
- Complete Truck Mass-Air Conversion Kits -
Every part you need to convert
a Banked Port, Speed Density engine to a Mass-Air
engine. Complete kits include engine computer,
mass-air meter, hoses, injector, O2 & mass-air conversion harness, and instructions. All
kits designed for banked port, speed density Ford trucks. The Ford truck banked
port systems do not fire the injectors sequentially, they simply fire
left bank - right bank. As you can see, this is just a small step above
carburetors and a very inefficient fuel injection system. Converting to
sequential Mass-Air on a totally stock truck engine, you will generally pick up
2 - 4 MPG, along with much crisper throttle response.
On modified engines, it's mandatory, since the banked port speed
density computer has virtually NO "window" of adjustment built in to
handle those changes. Typical conversions on totally stock engines generally pick up 2 - 4 MPG due to the improved fuel control of sequential
injection!! Not bad considering today's gas prices!! Non-EFI and 460 kits designed for universal
applications. Basic kits all start with a 55 mm stock type mass-air meter
calibrated for 19 lb injectors only. Larger 73, 76, & 80 mm kits can be
calibrated for almost any injector size. 460 kits come with either 80 mm C & L
meter or optional stock Ford 80 mm meter with good looking "Ford" logo airbox
(your choice). All kits can be further customized as needed, including
injectors, wiring, etc. inquire when ordering. And for total air/fuel control, especially for heavily modified
engines and all stroker engines, the Air Adjuster!! is now included with all
kits!! We've sold more conversion kits and
harnesses than anyone, so come to the experts when your ready to do your
conversion. Plus you'll find that competent, friendly, and FREE technical support is
provided for all of our products. We'll work with you to try and solve any
problem you may encounter!! Please note that the above picture is GENERIC and
may not represent what is actually contained in each kit.
NOTE: Replace "x" with: A = automatic
transmission (non-electronic)
S = standard transmission (manual)
Part Number FT-8611-x,
302/351 basic kit with 55mm 19 lb stock sensor…….................$1229.95
Part Number FT-8612-x,
302/351 basic kit with 73mm C & L Meter ....................................$1299.95
Part Number FT-8613-x,
302/351 basic kit with 76mm C & L Meter…….............................$1329.95
Part Number FT-8614-x,
302/351 basic kit with 80/90mm C & L Meter…….............................$1359.95
Part Number FT-8619-x,
460 basic kit with 80mm meter........................................................$1469.95
Part Number FT-8620-A,
302/351 E4OD/4R70W kit with 55mm 19 lb stock sensor…..................$1499.95
Part Number FT-8621-A,
302/351 E4OD/4R70W kit with 73mm C & L Meter...................................$1559.95
Part Number FT-8622-A,
302/351 E4OD/4R70W kit with 76mm C & L Meter……...........................$1589.95
Part Number FT-8623-A,
302/351 E4OD/4R70W kit with 80/90mm C & L Meter……...........................$1609.95
Part Number FT-8628-A,
460 E4OD/4R70W kit with 80/90mm meter......................................................$1899.95
Part Number FT-8629-x,
for non-EFI vehicles, complete harness & computer kit .........$2029.95
>>> Custom kits available for applications not listed above -
Transmission Controller
- Total Trans Control!!
- CoolPower!!
Stand-Alone 4R100, E4OD, AODE, 4R70W Controller –
with just a laptop or a desktop PC you can totally control the operation of
your electronic transmission. Program every upshift, downshift, line pressure
and torque converter lockup. Make your transmission shift the way you
want it to. Perfect for total control of your existing late model
transmission, or for retrofitting an electronic transmission into a vehicle
which didn't originally have one. Also has table select so you can have one profile for everyday
driving, and one profile for the track or towing. Windows-based software and 9-pin
interface cable included.
Part Number EC-1233-F,
for Analog Range Sensors……..................................…............$599.95
Part Number EC-1234-F,
for Digital Range Sensors (shown installed)..........................$599.95
Factory Ford Transmission Harnesses also
130 EZ-Amp
Alternator Harness - We make More
Amps EASY!!
- CoolPower!!
130/200 Amp Alternator Installation Harness –
switching to a higher amperage alternator than what your vehicle originally
came with, its extremely important to upgrade the harness as well.
If you don't upgrade the harness, it is likely you will have an underhood
fire at some point. Our new harness makes it super easy - one end bolts to the
starter solenoid, the other end bolts to and plugs into the new alternator. Only
a single wire needs to be connected to the existing vehicle harness (the green
w/red stripe wire). This harness contains the correct 4 gauge wire and the
correct gauge fusible links to protect you vehicle.
Part Number EZ-1300-3G,
1-wire harness for 130/200 Amp 3G Alternator……...............…..........$89.95
Part Number EZ-1300-6G,
1-wire harness for 130/200 Amp 6G Alternator……...............…..........$89.95
Part Number AL-1300-M,
NEW 130 Amp
Part Number AL-2000-M,
NEW 200 Amp Alternator……......................................…....................$199.95
Part Number AL-2500-M,
NEW 250 Amp Alternator……......................................…....................$279.95